
DIY Orange Vinegar All-Purpose Cleaner

I don’t know about you, but I am in full-on spring cleaning mode. I spent March decluttering (let’s be honest, though…I’m still decluttering (eye roll)) and now I’m ready to do the actual down-and-dirty work of cleaning my house. Winter can make a space feel stuffy and I personally LOVE a clean, organized, and fresh smelling environment.

Last fall, I started experimenting with making my own cleaning products in an attempt to decrease my plastic consumption. Not only am I finding that I actually really like what I’ve made, but the recipes are affordable, easy, and fun to make! Plus, they are ALL-NATURAL and NON-TOXIC. Can I get an amen?!

Did you know that most common household cleaning products are LOADED with harmful chemicals? Not to mention that many big name brands like Dawn, 409, P&G, Lysol, and Drãno – just to name a few – test on animals? You may think you need harsh chemicals to really clean your house, but that’s simply not true.

Non-toxic products are good for you, your pets, and the environment. So without further ado, I give you my ZERO WASTE orange vinegar all-purpose cleaner.


– 4 large navel oranges

– white vinegar (buy in large jug or in glass)

– essential oil of your choice (optional)


– clean large glass jar

– spray bottle (use what you have, order a glass one from Amazon if you don’t have one)


1) Rinse and peel the oranges, putting the peels in the glass jar. Either eat the oranges or store in the fridge/freezer to eat at a later time. 

2) Pour the vinegar over the orange peels until the jar is full. 

3) The best part – place the jar in a dark room-temperature spot, like under your kitchen sink, for 2-3 weeks (the longer you let it sit, the more strongly infused with the sent of oranges the vinegar will be). 

4) After your orange peels have infused their citrus-y goodness into the vinegar for as long as you want, pour the contents of the jar into a pitcher, using a strainer to remove the orange peels. Be sure to COMPOST THE PEELS at this point. 

5) If you wish to add essential oils (lemon or grapefruit goes with the orange scent very well), now is the time. Add between 20-30 drops to the orange vinegar. 

6) Using a funnel or awesome pouring skills if you have them, pour the orange vinegar into the clean spray bottle. 

7) Spritz away and start cleaning!

This cleaner works for the kitchen, bathroom, hard floors, flat surfaces, etc. and will leave your space clean and smelling fresh! AH! Now that’s more like it! 🙂

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