• Life

    DIY Orange Vinegar All-Purpose Cleaner

    I don’t know about you, but I am in full-on spring cleaning mode. I spent March decluttering (let’s be honest, though…I’m still decluttering (eye roll)) and now I’m ready to do the actual down-and-dirty work of cleaning my house. Winter can make a space feel stuffy and I personally LOVE a clean, organized, and fresh smelling environment. Last fall, I started experimenting with making my own cleaning products in an attempt to decrease my plastic consumption. Not only am I finding that I actually really like what I’ve made, but the recipes are affordable, easy, and fun to make! Plus, they are ALL-NATURAL and NON-TOXIC. Can I get an amen?!…

  • Beauty,  Skincare

    Gentle & Natural Skincare Routine with Luminance Skincare

    I started really getting into skincare about a year ago. Up until then, my interests had been more centered on hair and makeup. But since then, I have built up a skincare routine that I love and that works for me. I love trying new products and, if I like love them, figuring out how to fit them into my already-existing routine. Taking care of your skin, especially while you’re still young, is super important not only for your skin’s health, but also for preventing pre-mature signs of aging, appropriately treating adult acne, and helping it transition as you age. I have personally faced many challenges with my skin throughout…