
  • Life,  Wedding

    How I Proposed To My Bridesmaids

    I had seen so many cute bridesmaid proposal ideas on Pinterest that I knew even before I got engaged that I wanted to put together some pretty boxes for my girls. At the time that I put these boxes together, I was thinking our wedding colors would be blue and white, so I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do something feminine and pink. Here’s what I included in each box: 1 gold-rimmed pink stemless champagne flute 1 mini bottle of La Vostra sparkling rose 1 Sugarfina Champagne Bubbles candies 1 Scentsational natural candle The champagne flutes were Martha Stuart from Macy’s. I’ve noticed that she usually comes…

  • Life,  Wedding

    Our Proposal Story

    Before I get to the exciting part, I think I should start a little further back in our love story to bring you up to speed. Steven and I met on July 19th, 2014 through mutual friends and instantly hit it off. That night we hung out in a group and connected over cars while playing pool and Wii Sports. He asked for my number that night and to take me on a first date just a couple days later. I honestly wasn’t expecting anything to come of it, but little did I know that was the last first date I’d ever go on. We made it official three weeks…