
Simplify September

Happy September ya’ll! I love this month because it means FALL is coming, which means pretty colors in nature, sweaters, and everything cozy! Ooooh I get so excited just thinking about it! I also love fall because for me it as a time to reset for the rest of the year – set some goals and intentions (maybe even re-set some new year’s resolutions), and reset mentally and physically for the last few months. Keep reading to learn how you can join me!

This year, I’ve decided to not spend any money that I don’t need to spend (key word NEED). As a young American woman, it is so easy for me to get caught up in “needing” to have every cute piece of clothing and every item that is “so me” I just have to have it, especially when I have the money. We’re in the day and age where instant gratification is expected and sought after, when in reality saving money for things of value down the road will not only make you happier in the future, but give you a purpose right now while simplifying your life. Think: less clutter, less stress, more money. Sounds pretty good, right?! That is why I wanted to share this month’s journey with you and invite you to join. In addition to wanting to save money for some big expenses I will have in the semi-near future, I also have been feeling overwhelmed by the stuff in my life. Ever since I moved home from college, I can’t seem to fit everything neatly in my room anymore and its STRESSFUL. I’m the kind of person who needs everything to be clean and organized at least most of the time. To get the most out of this month’s “challenge”, I decided to add in a few other components besides not spending unnecessary money. I hope these will help you, too!

  1. Gratitude Challenge – Focusing on being grateful for what you have instead of the things you don’t can change your whole perspective and attitude towards life. This is my first attempt at doing any kind of “structured” gratitude, so I’m excited to see how it goes!
  2. Declutter and Donate – A cluttered environment = a cluttered mind. Declutter everything in your house, car, and office desk if you have one. Donate things you don’t USE or LOVE. This is a helpful question to ask yourself – Do I love or use this item? If the answer is no, donate it. Recycle papers you don’t need anymore. Something you don’t use anymore make you think of someone you know? Ask them if they’d like it. Even if they say no, it’ll mean a lot to them that they were in your thoughts. Free up space in your environment and your mind to reveal a less stressed you. Its a win- win in my book!
  3. Use Up What You Have – Does anyone else have a dozen half-used bottles of products lying around, or is that just me? Haha I’m sure I’m not the only one. Take this month to use up those bits and pieces of shampoo, makeup, cleaner, etc. Don’t forget to recycle the bottle or tub once it’s empty, and remember that you can take any brand’s empty makeup container to Origins to be recycled.

By buying less you are not only saving money, but also the environment. The most eco-friendly purchase you can make is the one you don’t. Use this time to focus on the relationships and people in your life, rather than things.

I will be adding a recap post once the month is over to let you know how it went for me, including everything I’m going to use up. If you want to join in, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to send me a message on Instagram or submit the form in the Contact page. Happy simplifying! 🙂

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