
  • Life,  Recipes

    Quick & Easy Energy Balls

    I am a snacker. Chips, popcorn, nuts, crackers, apples slices, cut-up veggies with hummus…you name it. My go-to snacks are basically anything that I can eat on the go or while I’m working. These energy balls are super quick and easy to whip up, take no cooking whatsoever, taste delicious, and are good for you! Win WIn WIN! THE RECIPE 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips 1/2 cup ground flaxseed meal 1/2 cup peanut putter 1/3 cup honey 1 tsp vanilla Instructions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Once combined, use a small spoon to form into 1″ balls. Place on a baking sheet covered in waxed…

  • Life,  Recipes

    Superfood Protein Salad

    Are you looking for a delicious plant-based, high protein meal full of nutrients? If so, then this salad recipe is for you! It has 20 grams of protein per serving that keep you full for hours, plus loads of flavor. AND it’s pretty quick and easy, too!   The Recipe: Total Time: 15-20 minutes Servings: 3 entree salads Nutrition: 334 calories and 20g protein per serving   Ingredients: Chili-Roasted Almonds 1 cup raw almonds About 1-2 tsp olive oil 1/2 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp sea salt Salad 4 large handfuls mixed greens 1 cup cooked, chilled quinoa 1/2 cup cooked, shelled edamame 1/2 cup kidney beans…

  • Life,  Recipes

    Coffee Smoothie

    First of all, who doesn’t like coffee? Especially in Seattle…during autumn! Even if you don’t drink regular coffee, you might still sip on some decaf from time to time. After all, studies have shown that coffee-drinkers live longer than those who don’t consume the caffeinated beverage. And it doesn’t matter what kind of coffee you drink – you can still reap the longevity benefits and make this delicious and healthy breakfast smoothie! I love it because it only has five ingredients, kind of tastes like a chocolate shake (even though there’s no chocolate in it), and is under 300 calories! You can even make it the night before a busy…

  • Life

    Simplify September Recap

    I can’t believe we’re already halfway through October. Does anyone else feel like September flew by, and now October is going just as fast? I kind of wish it would slow down because I love fall, and want to enjoy every minute of it! Anyways, remember how I was going to simplify my life during the month of September and make new goals for the rest of 2018? Yeah, well, I failed. To be completely honest, I kept adding things in (ex. a second challenge) because I thought it would help me simplify my life and get it together. Like….is anyone else wondering where my brain was at? Haha I…

  • Life

    25 Things I Learned in 25 Years

    Today is my 25th birthday, so I thought I’d put together a list of 25 things I’ve learned so far in life. Here they are in no particular order: Putting Half n’ Half in tea is not the same (and not as good) as milk. A clean, well manicured hand (whether you DIY or go to a salon) makes you look AND feel so much more put together. Life improves when you prioritize sleep and treating others with love. There are so many awesome products from brands that don’t partake in animal cruelty that there is absolutely no reason to support on that does. Slow down. Breathe. Be a safer…

  • Life

    Simplify September

    Happy September ya’ll! I love this month because it means FALL is coming, which means pretty colors in nature, sweaters, and everything cozy! Ooooh I get so excited just thinking about it! I also love fall because for me it as a time to reset for the rest of the year – set some goals and intentions (maybe even re-set some new year’s resolutions), and reset mentally and physically for the last few months. Keep reading to learn how you can join me! This year, I’ve decided to not spend any money that I don’t need to spend (key word NEED). As a young American woman, it is so easy for me to…

  • Life,  Recipes

    Rhubarb + Rose Iced Rooibos Tea

    Iced tea is one of the many things I get excited about come warmer weather. There are so many different flavors and recipes to try, caffeinated ones give the perfect mid-afternoon energy boost, and they are so refreshing. Our rhubarb plant is thriving this year, which means that it is huge haha! If you have a rhubarb plant, you’ll know what I mean. I’ve been wanting to try a new recipe, and one that uses rhubarb only seemed fitting. I also LOVE tea, so a rhubarb iced tea seemed perfect! Also, rhubarb recipes always look so pretty and pink (although this one turned out orange)! And who doesn’t want to…