
25 Things I Learned in 25 Years

Today is my 25th birthday, so I thought I’d put together a list of 25 things I’ve learned so far in life. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Putting Half n’ Half in tea is not the same (and not as good) as milk.
  • A clean, well manicured hand (whether you DIY or go to a salon) makes you look AND feel so much more put together.
  • Life improves when you prioritize sleep and treating others with love.
  • There are so many awesome products from brands that don’t partake in animal cruelty that there is absolutely no reason to support on that does.
  • Slow down. Breathe.
  • Be a safer driver by ALWAYS driving with your lights on (I seriously can’t believe it’s not a law in Washington yet), always using your turn signal, leaving space between you and the car in front of you, and taking care of YOU (i.e. getting enough sleep).
  • Take care of your physical and mental health with regular exercise and healthy eating. Your body will show wear and tear sooner or later.
  • Save money for the things you really want in life (a nicer car, a house, a fancy wedding, vacations, etc.) instead of blowing it on impulse purchases that you’ll only love for a few months.
  • Spend money on experiences, not things.
  • A big glass of cab. sauv., some chocolate, and a hot bath can turn your day around. Oh, and a cat, too!
  • Tell the people you love that you love them a lot and tell them often.
  • Trying to eat less meat and junk food simultaneously results in the consumption of more fruits and veggies, which make you healthier and happier.
  • Just because you know a lot about a topic, and that topic is popular in your city/region, does not mean everyone else knows nearly as much as you do about that topic. Teach them.
  • Nature is one of God’s most beautiful gifts. Take  care of it, respect it, and admire it.
  • Think of everything as money. You are either bringing it in or giving it away (or throwing it away). Don’t be wasteful.
  • Your plan is not God’s plan, so stop trying to make your timeline happen.
  • Don’t push your opinions and beliefs on other people – lead by example.
  • Box dyes are a great affordable way to switch up your hair color, but never try to go blonde at home unless you want a head of brassy-yellowness.
  • Some people are rude, some are cheaters and liars, some are without an ounce of common sense. They will never change, so don’t waste your time.
  • Rules and laws are put in place for a reason. Think hard about that reason before choosing to break one.
  • The little things in life really do matter and can make a huge difference in your happiness if you learn to notice and appreciate them.
  • Trader Joe’s is not a very eco-friendly place to shop, even though it seems like it would be. Most of their produce is wrapped in plastic, on styrofoam, or in a plastic net bag.
  • However, if you need to shop to get that “I just bought something I’m so excited about” high, go shopping at Trader Joe’s. At least you are grocery shopping, and everyone needs food.
  • Planning and scheduling your time is how to most effectively get things done and accomplish your goals. Things won’t just happen.
  • With that being said, keep in mind that your plan will change with time. Use your plan and work hard until it doesn’t work for you anymore, then make a new plan.

And there you have it — 25 life lessons from yours truly. I have learned so much more than just these 25 things, but these are the lessons that first came to mind as I was reflecting on my life thus far. I hope you found this helpful, or at least a little comical.

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